Innovation rarely comes from a flash of brilliant insight. Here’s where they do come from. We tend to think of inventors as another species—geniuses—who have sudden flashes of insight. I can’t think of a single instance when a light bulb … Continue reading
5 tips to get you through your fear of extemporaneous speaking. If it’s true that many people fear public speaking more than death, it’s equally true that businesspeople are condemned to a thousand small deaths in client pitches, in boardrooms, … Continue reading
The office cube farm kinda sucks, doesn’t it? Yeah it does, and here’s proof. (h/t: Chris) Cubicles even make people behave badly. Researchers at Cornell studied 229 employees at eight firms and found that those in cubicles were more prone … Continue reading
As the Internet of Things gains acceptance and scale, the security risks increase. Keep an eye on your refrigerator, it could be spamming you. Over the period stretching from Dec. 23, 2013 to Jan. 6, 2014, a group of hackers … Continue reading
Record holiday shipping; new pricing model; increase fuel surcharges — the strategies that drive FedEx profitability in 2015. In May 2014, FedEx had announced that it would be applying dimensional weight pricing for all FedEx Ground packages. Instead of charging for … Continue reading
“Fog” computing is so 2014. Welcome to mist computing. Cisco’s differentiator is that the analytics tools won’t just be located in the core or edge of a network. Cisco will be pushing analytics all the way out to the extreme … Continue reading
How to read people just like Sherlock Holmes. From: Barking up the Wrong Tree: Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just look at someone and tell what they’re really like? Sherlock Holmes does this all the time and … Continue reading
The times and distances for space travel are not very compatible with human lifetimes. So, it kind of makes sense that the intelligent life forms that we may encounter in the universe will be digital. If and when we finally … Continue reading
Emerging from one corner of the CES in Las Vegas, the Internet of Guns. “Hunting and shooting sports are now part of the web fabric. With this new technology, friends and family are virtually transported and immersed in exotic and … Continue reading
We may be nearing the peak of the hype cycle. Early reports from the show are somewhat disquieting in the breadth and range of IoT offerings that are “me too” kinds of wearables and convenience-oriented products of marginal value. Some … Continue reading