UPS had a bad holiday peak season and paid the price. (Login required) United Parcel Service Inc. delivered holiday packages on time this season, but it paid a steep price. The company surprised Wall Street Friday by announcing that preparations … Continue reading
A bit off-topic, but so amazing, it’s worth reporting: an early, possibly draft, copy of the Gospel of Mark (from, you know, The Holy Bible) dating from the first century, recovered from paper later recycled into an Egyptian death mask. … Continue reading
Boeing and the University of Washington partner on an advanced engineering center. Boeing and the University of Washington are taking their collaboration to greater heights with a new campus research center where doctoral engineering students, UW professors and Boeing engineers … Continue reading
Cisco announced the latest group of small companies selected for its business incubator program. Cohort companies take part in a six-month program of events, mentoring and collaboration geared towards bringing ideas to reality. Entrepreneurs selected to participate receive support from … Continue reading
The grocery delivery logistics business has the potential of large revenue, but really thin margins. Still, the big players can’t afford to take a pass on the opportunity. But look more closely at the report, and you see the major challenges … Continue reading
For true lean manufacturing, is IT even really needed? Purists would say no, but the truth is somewhere in the middle. Then again, some people question whether computer systems are even needed for achieving lean manufacturing. After all, some lean … Continue reading
In the era of customer hyper relevance, we know that retail WiFi drives loyalty. This, combined with a move to cloud based central inventory management, is driving WAN infrastructure optimization and upgrades. Greg Griffiths, Vice President of Product Alliances, EarthLink, … Continue reading
The next big thing in personal development may just be a little augmentation, some personal digitization. Graafstra has been using the technology primarily to unlock doors in his home, although he says he has also used it for starting his … Continue reading
The Golden State Warriors are one of the more digitally progressive sports franchises in the U.S. Take a look at their “stadium of the future.” One of the more futuristic technologies being explored by the Warriors is known as LiFi. … Continue reading
If the price of gas keeps falling, it may be time to get that old moth-balled 747 out of the garage. Aircraft such as the four-engined Airbus A340 or earlier models of the Boeing 747 which have been sentenced to … Continue reading