All of the following have happened recently. Here’s a quiz: Which of these captured the most public attention and outrage? 1) Hackers prowling the network at JPMC for two months without detection; 2) massive credit card breach at Home Depot, … Continue reading
Startups are attempting to take the “ship” out of shipment. Here’s the latest, Shyp The premise of Shyp is simple by design. The idea is to provide the next best thing to pure teleportation. Download the app, take a picture … Continue reading
The Internet of Things will cost companies more than they think or are ready for Though the Internet of Things era has only just started, it may already be broken. Like generals fighting the last war instead of the next … Continue reading
Preparing for the Internet of Things in the Enterprise ‘One practical example is demonstrated within the healthcare sector,’ says Adam Diggins, technology evangelist and content development manager at Toshiba. ‘Patients could wear devices that monitor their vital signs, such as heart … Continue reading
If you’ve read this far, you know we’re taking the long view of ourselves today. So before you go, please take 30 seconds, go to “Here Is Today“, and keep clicking “Okay” until you get a perspective on our place … Continue reading
If the Antikythera device was the greatest machine from the ancients, then for certain the greatest machine for the next several millenia should be the 10,000 year clock. Here in the year 02014, you can learn why legendary computer scientist … Continue reading
The greatest machine ever made is not my sports car, but rather a 2000 year old analog computer made by the Greeks. Known as the Antikythera mechanism for the Mediterranean island of its discovery, it baffled engineers for decades, still … Continue reading
People “of a certain age” offer lots of commentary that bemoans the rise of the latest technology: pictures of rotary phones; decrying the death of print journalism, the decline in quality of network TV, the rise of “viral video”. As … Continue reading
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you know that the story of the “Marathon Monks” is one of my favorites. In the age of viral video, the instant gratification economy, and celebrity worship, it speaks to us of … Continue reading